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Top tips for performing at your best

We all have our own personal journeys and, on that journey, it is amazing just how much we continue to grow and develop. There are times when we are thrown into the deep end, only to find later that we had the resources within to thrive. Yet the sheer thought of presenting in front of others will make some of us wobble at our knees. We may not be born as experts, but these kinds of challenging experiences help us to continue to grow, develop, and become who we are today. In time we become more confident, perhaps even share our experiences and knowledge to help others to develop. And so, continues the cycle of life.

You may have had sleepless nights, working hard to complete your research. Now it is almost time to face the crowd and share your amazing insights But don’t worry, I am going to share with you some tips that will help you to prepare and deliver at your optimum best!

Everything happens in the here and now. When we remember this, we are able to let go of all the worry….relax and truly be present. We all have a beautiful tool that if we choose to use, will connect us instantly to this moment. So, please….

Connect with your breath

We all know that we perform better when we are relaxed. One way to ‘stay grounded’ is by using breathing techniques that will help your nervous system to relax. Here are some techniques that you can start to practice ahead of time. Try and get into the habit of connecting with your breath throughout the day. Give these short exercises a try.

Visualise what success looks like

This is a great tool to help you to plan. Imagine that you are about to present. You may decide to close your eyes. Take a few purposeful breaths to relax. Now, visualise how confident and relaxed you feel. See yourself presenting with ease, notice what you hear and see. Listen to the confidence in your voice, the pauses that allow you to stay present and deliver at a steady pace. Now notice how the audience smiles and applauds you for your amazing delivery. Smile, you did it!  If possible, visit where you will present beforehand. This preparation will give you a head start to feel more confident and prepared.

Be prepared

Give yourself a chance to be successful by being prepared. A to-do list can be helpful to allow the mind to relax. Try and avoid too many stimulants like caffeine, especially before bed. Instead, stay hydrated with water throughout the day. Think about providing your body with some healthy nutrition that will keep you energised. Schedule in pockets of ‘me time’ for some activity. This can be as simple as going for daily short ‘mindfulness walks’.  Stay connected to your surroundings. Use your senses to see, feel, hear, and smell the beauty that surrounds you in nature.  Notice and acknowledge how relaxed this activity makes you feel. Start to get into a good healthy sleep routine. We all know that we feel more alert and energised when we wake up without the need of the snooze button. Try and prioritize your well-being. Get in some early nights where you have put away technology at least an hour before bedtime. Think about what helps you to relax, perhaps some gentle music, being creative or reading before bedtime.

Remember, pulmonary ventilation

Remember learning about exercise physiology? The respiratory system? What do I mean by pulmonary ventilation?

Your breath will always ground you, so breathe, you’ve got this!

Final thoughts

Use the tips above to perform at your best. Some simple breathing exercises, being prepared, and taking some me-time can go a long way. Remember academic staff, your supervisor, and the student success coaches are here to help, they’re just an email or drop-in away.

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