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My First Conference Experience – Two Lessons I Learnt

I probably should start by admitting that not everything went to plan with regards to my first conference presentation. I was a first-year PhD student presenting the results from my master’s dissertation. After I submitted my abstract, I didn’t really give it any more thought, so was pleasantly surprised when I received the email saying that I had been successful. Although there was some panic at the realisation that I had to be ready to present. However, again, presenting at a conference drifted to the back of my mind until a day or two before the actual event.

Prepare in advance

So, my first mistake/lesson learned was that time for preparation is important. I didn’t quite leave preparation to the last minute, but it was close. It is a challenge condensing a study that you have lived for a long period of time into a short presentation. If I had given myself more time, I probably would have also considered what questions I might be asked.

Practise your presentation

Another error I made was not practising my presentation. It is possible to get away with minimal practice, especially if you know your topic well and are a comfortable public speaker. Although a conference is probably not the place to discover if this is true or not. If you get nervous during your talks, practice. If you forget where you’re going during your talks, practice. If you know your topic well enough to talk about it with minimal repetition for longer than you’re scheduled to talk and you’re not sure what to cut, make an outline… but if you have a sense of how long it takes you to get through each bullet point, you may not need to practice it out loud!

Extra tip – Ensure you’re rested

Oh, and one more extra tip, make sure you’re rested. It is difficult to deliver a presentation if you’re not feeling on top form. So, take some “me time” the day before, try to get adequate sleep, and avoid the ethanol-based drinks!

Final thoughts

Looking back, I did enjoy my first conference, and these experiences were ultimately beneficial. I learned to be better organised and prepare in advance (most of the time). Make sure you prepare and practise your presentation for the best results.

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