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Hello, World!

Hey there! Welcome to SSC Digital, the online home of the Student Sport Conference here at Coventry University. Thanks for checking out the site. We’re confident you’ll find what you’re looking for.

SSC Digital is the online home of the conference. The goal of the conference website is to provide students with a real-world conference experience, act as the digital informational hub of the conference, provide support and guidance to students, and foster engagement before, during, and after the conference. The website will act as CovSSC’s digital archive. As the conference evolves, so will the website. We’re always looking for innovative ways to deliver the very best conference experience.

Explore SSC Digital to learn more. The about section outlines the conference’s goals and ambitions, the speaker and exhibition profiles showcase what to look forward to, and the SSC blog provides advice and news for the conference delegates. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, let us know using the contact form. This is your SSC.

Welcome again to SSC Digital!

P.s. Don’t forget to get social! Find out more about our Mastodon profile and Matrix rooms.

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