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A Message from the SET Course Director

Dear all,

Today we celebrate and mark the final time we will come together as the cohort of 2022. As you read this you should be proud of who you have become, I have no doubt you will all go on do great and wonderful things – but for one moment, I would just like to take step back and reflect upon your journey, unto finally -who we see today.

3+ years ago you started your journey with us, bright eyed, some of you nervous, some stepping away from home for the first time, but all with a range of different backgrounds and a desire to shape the direction of your career. Often shy and less forthcoming at the start, you all soon bonded, working and learning together, picking each other up when the signs of struggling were there. You faced the greatest challenges that I have seen any cohort take on. The pandemic will always be remembered, it changed the way you learned and experienced University – but while we were not perfect in navigating the everchanging rules, you just got on with it and never complained. Now when we think about your cohort of 2022, we see a fantastic group of individuals. Each of you has grown in confidence, risen to every challenge, welcomed anyone who comes to clinic with a smile and treated everyone in the same professional manor.

As we draw to an end your time with us, you now start another new and exciting chapter. Whether you decide to do something completely different, or develop further as therapists, as staff we will always be here for you – as we now see you not as students, but as our peers, as colleagues and therapists.

We all wish you all the very best!

Thomas Hames
Course Director, BSc Sports Therapy, BSc Sports and Exercise Therapy

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