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A Message from the SES Course Director

Dear Sport and Exercise Science Students,

Congratulations on presenting at the Student Sport Conference! University completed – Doesn’t time fly?! Today marks the culmination of three or four years of study and endeavour. Since embarking on your studies here at Coventry University, you have worked to become independent learners that are capable of turning your hand to a variety of different tasks. You can write concisely, scientifically and present results in a multitude of mediums. You are methodical in addressing a problem and utilise an enquiring, critical and reflective approach. This all means that you can demonstrate the skills that graduates need to be competent in to make a sustained positive contribution to society.

To see how far you have come just open up the first assignment you submitted back in first year and you will be shocked with the progress you have made.

You have shown unbelievable resilience and adaptability in face of unprecedented challenges and you should be proud of the research project you conceived, actioned and presented today. The staff on the course are incredibly proud of all you have achieved over the past three to four years. Whatever your plans are moving forward do not forget us here at Coventry University, we are always here for advice, and further study and thoroughly enjoy hearing about your future success.

Don’t be a stranger,

Dr Maximilian Wdowski
Course Director, BSc Sport and Exercise Science

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