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David Fevre

A photo of David Fevre in a red sports top.

David is an immensely experienced sports physiotherapist and has been treating injured elite athletes since 1984.

David was Head of Sports Medicine for Blackburn Rovers FC until January 2017, having been in post since July 1999. Prior to this, he was previously a Chartered Physiotherapist for Wales (2002-2005), Manchester United FC (1994-1999), Great Britain Rugby League (1990-1994), Wigan Rugby League (1989-1994) and Leigh Rugby League (1984-1989). He currently has consultancy roles with several European, Premiership and Championship football clubs and is on the teaching faculty for both the Football Association (FA) and Rugby Football League (RFL).

David is an experienced practitioner in the use, application and interpretation of clinical applied sports dynamometry. He lectures extensively internationally and in the UK on subjects related to sports injury rehabilitation, has had articles/research papers published in several rehabilitation related journals and is the author of the book ‘Collision Sports Injury and Repair.’ In 2012, he was invited to the European (London) and World (Belgium) Soccer conferences to present oral abstracts on his research work in professional football.

David is also an honorary lecturer at both Salford and Manchester University and was awarded the ‘Outstanding Contribution to Professional Football’ award in 2014 by the Football Medical Association (FMA) and ‘The Fabrice Muamba Outstanding Contribution to Professional Football in the NW of England’ award in 2015.