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2022 Speakers

We’re proud to welcome our invited keynote speakers to SSC 2022. They will be sharing their knowledge and expertise with us on the day. Learn more about each of our speakers by viewing their 2022 speaker profile.

David Fevre

A photo of David Fevre wearing a red sports top and smiling

Closing keynote address

David is an immensely experienced sports physiotherapist and has been treating injured elite athletes since 1984. He’ll be sharing his experiences of working within professional sports.

Read David’s speaker profile

Nikhil Dodhia

A photo of Nikhil Dodhia smiling whole wearing a black t-shirt

Opening keynote address

Nikhil graduated from Coventry University with a degree in BSc (Hons) Sports Therapy in 2017. He will be sharing what he has learnt since leaving the university.

Read Nikhil’s speaker profile

Chelsea Bradford

A photo of Chelsea smiling and wearing a black t-shirt

Opening keynote address

Chelsea is one of our alumni and co-authored a research publication. She currently works as a Clinical Exercise Physiologist. She will join us for SSC 2022, sharing her experiences after leaving university.

Read Chelsea’s speaker profile

George Vernon

A photo of George holding a barbell on his shoulders

Careers Workshop

George completed his BSc and MSc at Coventry University and now runs two businesses in the sports and exercise industry. He’ll be talking about his experiences building his businesses and what he has learnt since leaving university.

Read George’s speaker profile

Future Alumni Speakers

Would you like to present at a future SSC? Join our Alumni List and we’ll be in contact before future conferences.