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Michael Main

Michael is an experienced performance practitioner passionate about coaching, sport science, strength and conditioning, and player development. He has several professional interests, particularly how multidisciplinary collaboration can drive high-performance results in professional settings. 

Having held lead roles across six sports, five countries, and various governing bodies, he embraces being a ‘specialist generalist’. His philosophy for working in sport starts with a genuine appreciation that support services are there to drive sporting performance collectively.

Michael has held full-time roles in Cricket (2011-2018), Baseball (2018-2019), Rugby Union (2019-2022), and more recently working in Olympic Sports (2022-Present). He has consulted in rugby 7s, basketball, football and tennis alongside his full-time roles. This board experience has spanned across England, Sri Lanka, Australia and America, with Michael recently starting an exciting adventure in Saudi Arabia.

Recently Michael has been involved with educational programs in Higher Education (Coventry University, Southampton Solent) but also within local authorities (Redditch Council). This included recently leading a project to educate fitness practitioners to apply strength and conditioning principles to health, fitness and wellness support with general populations.

Connect with Michael

Twitter: @MTJM89